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Roche Diagnostics Making a Difference in the Garden Route

Roche Diagnostics has a tradition of innovation in healthcare around the globe and are committed to making a real difference in people’s lives by providing products and services for the diagnosis of diseases.

As part of making a difference in the lives of their staff, the Roche Management Centre staff participated in a team building exercise in the Garden Route. Each staff member in the team donated trees towards our Wilderness Heights Wildlife Corridor and pitched up as a collective effort to plant the trees we selected for their sponsorships.

As with all our planting sessions, we selected a range of indigenous species endemic to the site that were planted out in close proximity to one another in the form of a bio-mimicked forest patch within the larger forest itself.

Included in our mix of trees were Crotalaria capensis, Pittosporum viridiflorum, Vepris lanceolata, Elaeodendron Croceum, Rhamnus prinoides, Buddleja saligna and Rapanea melanophloeos. Here all the different tree species work as a unit to boost the presence and growth of each other. Much like team building between trees.

Thank you to Roche Diagnostics and all those staff who not only donated towards the planting of trees but planted them out as well!

Click here if you would like to sponsor an indigenous South African forest tree and help expand this wildlife corridor in the Garden Route OR visit

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