Tour de Burn - Dr Jon Morley

Tour de Burn – a tree cycling project

What we do matters.

The current “crisis” has put our sustainability in the spotlight. The metaphors are infinite: a respiratory challenge that affects our lungs…the flora that surrounds us, our terrain, the lungs of the planet. Our immune system that is charged positively by good diet, rich in plants, the benefits of clean living water .. all have become more in focus by all of us in world.

Long story short, we have the future in our hands.

Before the emergence of this pandemic, I started plans to raise awareness of our natural biome, by using my passion for cycling to raise money for an amazing local Non-Profit-Organisation in Wilderness whose intention is to assist the natural restoration of indigenous forests, The Precious Tree Project.

Since the current pandemic, we have seen how communities less fortunate than us, are being starved of essentials: basic food and health supplies. This highlights the importance of becoming sustainable: by growing our own foods, remember that nature heals and gives us medicines through medicinal herbs, planting trees that clean the air and recycle water.

My mission, together with Precious Tree Project, is now extended to not only plant indigenous trees, but to share, teach, develop and actively regrow what we have unconsciously pushed back for so many years: our own sustainable livelihood. I commit to making my passion for cycling, a (sustainable) vehicle to maintain awareness. My “Tree-Cycling Project” started with an approximately 500km cycle through the Little Karoo and Garden Route on the 12 th of June. I have committed to engage in a new cycling event every two months. My project will continue for one year, culminating May 2021. My wish is to raise enough money to fund 5000 trees to be planted, at a cost of R200 to plant out a tree.

I appeal to each of you to donate what you can afford towards this immense cause.

All funds will be directly donated to the Precious Tree Project, and will be used to not only plant trees, but also develop sustainable food and medicine growing projects through local communities and schools.

I invite you to join me.

Thank you for what you do, who you are and for your patience in reading this appeal to the end.

Lets plant!
With gratitude
Dr Jon Morley, local GP, crazy cyclist and empassioned walker-of-his-talk.


All donations and sponsorships towards Tour de Burn will go to Precious Tree Project. The amount sponsored towards this initiative is completely up to yourself and in order to correctly allocate your donation towards his tree-cycling project, make sure you use the correct reference number when making your donation. Reference: TOUR DE BURN plus Name and Surname

Make a direct payment (EFT)
Bank: FNB
Account Type: Cheque / Transmission
Branch Code: 250655
Account Number: 62764154648

To make a recurring donation through the lifespan of the project simply click here to set up the details, using the Tour de Burn reference number and your name. All contributions are welcome!


Of 5000 trees left to be sponsored

Tour de Burn Activities

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