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Tree Planting and Environmental Awareness Initiative – Jonga High School

WMO Jonga High School 11 August 2023 - precious tree project

SITE #12: Jonga High School

Jonga High School is located in Thembalethu, George, and has approximately 1400 learners (Grade 8 to Grade 12). The school has been approved additional classrooms on adjacent land offered as a land swap by the Department of Agriculture in order to accommodate the increasing numbers of learners completing Grade 7 (coming out of the local primary schools).

The school is a public and secondary school and while it is allocated some funding by the Education Department, it remains responsible for ordering stationery, textbooks, paying water and lights accounts and undertaking their own maintenance. Community fundraising to bring in additional income into the school is limited given the lowered socio-economic bracket within which the community falls. There is an existing food kitchen that feeds the learners daily and an enclosed space has been created for a vegetable garden. The intention of the school is to invest in establishing and maintaining the vegetable and fruit garden so that it can support the needs of the school kitchen.

The groundsman who currently handles the general maintenance of the school grounds will oversee the trees in collaboration with the staff and learners who participated in the activity.

Thank you World Memon Organisation for your ongoing support and investment in the health of our youth and educating them on the importance of trees and our natural environment in our own health and well-being.

Click here if you would like to GIFT A TREE OR visit to make a donation or sponsor a tree.

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