Art for Nature

Art for Nature is an avenue for us to raise awareness around and bring exposure to some amazing artists living in the Garden Route area – for the benefit of TREES and ANIMALS.

A number of local artists are offering a range of their art to our Precious Tree Project Gallery – our platform to sell their beautiful work that also helps us achieve our vision of planting out a million indigenous trees. Where art pieces are not fully donated to PTP, we will receive a percentage of the sale from any art piece sold on this Art for Nature Platform and we will split these proceeds between local and national animal and wildlife organisations.

To support our other TREES AND ANIMALS initiative, join our myWorld Community Benefits Program!

Art for Nature Artists :
Jan Cilliers de Wet
Janet Botes
Irma de Waal
Ninette Steyl

Art for Nature

For information on each item in the gallery, simply click on each piece.

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