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PTP Mini Outreach Program – Greening up the Local Community Playgrounds

precious tree project

There is a small informal community in Nature’s Valley which is nestled in and amongst Milkwoods and Cheesewoods on the sand dunes of Kleinkrantz. Under the supervision and direction of Brian Mushfield, a retired minister and Kleinkrantz resident, the community have been working closely with one another to elevate their space and develop their community.

One specific project has been the upgrade of the existing playground and the creation of two play areas for the children. The need for trees across these playgrounds was fulfilled when Cheesewoods and Milkwoods, the endemic tree species that grows naturally in the area, were donated by local Wilderness residents, Mike and Romy. The community, old and young alike, joined us to plant these – as well as additional Milkwoods donated by Precious Tree Project –  in and around the playground areas.

If the elders of the community do not get to sit under the shade of these trees they planted, the children of the community will.

Precious Tree Project is involved in a number of wildlife rehabilitation projects between Wilderness and Sedgefield. If you would like to sponsor an indigenous South African forest tree towards these corridors, click here – OR – visit

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