SITE #14: Imizamo Yethu High School
Imizamo Yethu High School is located in Thembalethu, George and has approximately 1500 learners (Grade 8 to Grade 12). The school is a public secondary school and a no-fee institution and relies on additional funds from external sources outside of the Dpt. of Education, since the latter provides limited funding.
The school is collaborating with Heatherlands High School to create a “Shared Responsibility and Use” of upgrading the sports field, including planting trees to create shaded areas.
There is an existing food kitchen that feeds all the learners. The school, as part of the new Agricultural Sciences recently introduced to Grade 8, has started an enclosed vegetable garden to feed the school kitchen, as part of the Agricultural Sciences curriculum.
There is a small team of ground-staff who are responsible for the general maintenance of the school grounds and a dedicated gardener for the fruit & vegetable garden, all of whom are available to oversee the trees in collaboration with the Agricultural Sciences classes.
Thank you, World Memon Organisation, for your ongoing support and investment in the health of our youth and educating them on the importance of trees and our natural environment in our own health and well-being.
Check out the Youtube video below!
Click here if you would like to GIFT A TREE OR visit to make a donation or sponsor a tree.