Wild Peach


Gift a Wild Peach Tree

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Wild Peach

Kiggelaria africana L.

Common names: wild peach, wildeperske (Afr.), umKokoko (Xhosa), uMunwe (Zulu), Monepenepe (North Sotho), Lekgatsi (South Sotho), Muphatavhafu (Venda)


  • The woody fruits attract a host of seed-eating bird species.
  • Flowers lure butterflies, bees and insects.
  • Various caterpillar species feed on the foliage, and the beautiful Acraea horta butterfly breeds almost exclusively on the trees.  The caterpillars will in their turn lure insectivorous birds.


  • The essence of the wild peach tree is associated with reconnecting one to their personal power.
  • The essence of this tree has also been associated with courage, confidence self-worth, clarity and balance (www.platbos.co.za).

Practical Uses

  • The wood makes a durable, good general-purpose timber.
  • A pink dye can also be extracted.

Image: theindigenousgardener.co.za

Additional information

About Gifting a Tree

*Note this a virtual product in the store, we won`t be sending you a physical tree.

How it works:
1) Select gift type
2) Complete form with details
3) Select total amount of trees
4) Add to cart

After checkout and payment, you, the Sponsor, will receive confirmation of transaction from Payfast. PTP will email the gift certificate to the selected recipient – which includes GPS coordinates and species type once it has been planted.