White Ironwood


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White Ironwood Tree

Vepris lanceolata (Lam.) G.Don

Family: Rutaceae

Common names: white ironwood (Eng.); witysterhout (Afr.); Muruvula (Tsonga); Muhondwa (Venda); umZane (Xhosa); umOzana (Zulu).


  • According to Thomas & Grant (2004), three different species of caterpillars of the Swallowtail butterfly family feed on this tree (best known of the species is the Citrus Swallowtail butterfly, Papilio demodocus).
  • Porcupines have been observed to eat the bark.
  • A range of bird species have been noted to love the fruit, particularly the Red-winged Starling and the Crested Barbet.
  • The sweetly-scented flowers lure butterflies, bees, wasps, beetles, moths at night.
  • Birds often roost amongst the dense foliage.
  • The fruits attract a host of fruit-eating bird species.


  • Powdered  root used as a remedy for influenza.
  • Traditionally the powdered roots are used for influenza and colic and the leaves are burnt to dispel evil spirits.
  • The leaves contain chemical compounds such as alkaloids and limonoids and have moderate antibacterial and antifungal properties.
  • Extracts in various forms are used to treat respiratory infections, fever, influenza, gastric pains and rheumatism.
  • Crushed leaves are applied topically to clean wounds and sores.
  • The pulverised roots are said to ease menorrhagia and cardiac pains and are also used against colic and flu.
  • The leaves are also burnt as a fumigation agent and disinfectant.

Practical Uses

  • The wood is used to produce wheel spokes, handles, roof beams, ornaments and turnery.
  • It is highly valued for furniture making, roof beams, tool and implement handles, flooring, vehicle bodies, mine props, toys, novelties, precision equipment, vats and general carpentry and turnery.

Image: treesa.org

Additional information

About Gifting a Tree

*Note this a virtual product in the store, we won`t be sending you a physical tree.

How it works:
1) Select gift type
2) Complete form with details
3) Select total amount of trees
4) Add to cart

After checkout and payment, you, the Sponsor, will receive confirmation of transaction from Payfast. PTP will email the gift certificate to the selected recipient – which includes GPS coordinates and species type once it has been planted.