Wild Olive


Gift a Wild Olive Tree

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Wild Olive

Olea europaea subs. africana

Family: Oleaceae

Common names: Wild Olive (Eng.), Olienhout (Afr.)
Alternative Names: Mohlware (So), UmNquma (Zu, Xho, Swa), Mutlhwari (Ve), Motlhware (Tswa)


  • The fruits are popular with people, monkeys, baboons, mongooses, bush pigs, warthogs, birds, pigeons, cape parrots and loeries.
  • The leaves are browsed by game and stock.
  • The tree is known to be excellent fodder tree for bushbuck.


  • The wild olive essence is associated with fortitude and strength due to its hardiness.
  • Traditional remedies prepared from this plant serve as eye lotions and tonics, to lower blood pressure, to improve kidney function and to soothe sore throats.
  • The early Cape settlers were recorded to use the fruit to treat diarrhoea.
  • An infusion of the bark can be used to relieve colic.
  • Infusions of the leaves are used as an eye lotion, gargle to relieve sore throats, tonic and to lower blood pressure.

Practical Uses

  • The hard, heavy and beautiful golden-brown wood is used for furniture, ornaments, spoons and durable fence posts.
  • An ink has been made from the juice of the fruit.


  • The leaves can be used as a substitute for tea. Parts used mainly include the dried leaves and sometimes the berries, roots and stems (concoctions).

Image: sanbi.org

Additional information

About Gifting a Tree

*Note this a virtual product in the store, we won`t be sending you a physical tree.

How it works:
1) Select gift type
2) Complete form with details
3) Select total amount of trees
4) Add to cart

After checkout and payment, you, the Sponsor, will receive confirmation of transaction from Payfast. PTP will email the gift certificate to the selected recipient – which includes GPS coordinates and species type once it has been planted.