White Pear


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White Pear

Apodytes dimidiata E.Mey. ex Arn. subsp. dimidiata

Family: Icacinaceae

Common names: White Pear, Bird’s Eye (Eng.); Witpeer (Afr.); Umdakane (Xhosa); Umdagane (Zulu); Umdzagame (Swati), Sephopha-madi, Kgalagangwê (N. Sotho), Tshiphopha-madi (Venda).


  • Fruit eating birds are particularly attracted to the fleshy bright red appendage (cap) attached to the black berry (giving the fruit its kidney shape).
  • Many species of pollinating insects, included bees visit the sweetly scented, pollen-laden flowers.
  • Insectivorous birds are often seen foraging for insects, particularly when this tree is in flower.
  • Densely clustered spikes of strongly scented, snow-white flowers that are borne from September to April, especially after good rains.
  • The flowers attract many pollinating insects to the garden.
  • The bees visit the flowers early in the morning when the scent is strongest. When there is a breeze the tiny petals are like confetti blowing around the garden. They are followed by very decorative bunches of black berries with a fleshy red ‘cap’ that attract birds to the garden.


  • This tree is known to be valued by the Zulu nation in traditional medicine.
  • An infusion from the root bark is used as an enema for intestinal parasites.
  • The leaves are used in the treatment of ear inflammation.
  • The leaves are also eaten, boiled whole and mixed with porridge.

Practical Uses

  • The wood is very hard and has been a suitable material for agricultural implements, fence posts, hut building, cabinetry, joinery, interior trimming, musical instruments, gun stocks, decorative items, carving and turnery.
  • It is also popular for domestic flooring, boat building, sporting equipment, drawing instruments, tables and historically a highly valued wood to use for wagons.

Image: sanbi.org

Additional information

About Gifting a Tree

*Note this a virtual product in the store, we won`t be sending you a physical tree.

How it works:
1) Select gift type
2) Complete form with details
3) Select total amount of trees
4) Add to cart

After checkout and payment, you, the Sponsor, will receive confirmation of transaction from Payfast. PTP will email the gift certificate to the selected recipient – which includes GPS coordinates and species type once it has been planted.