The move into Lockdown Alert Level 1 at the end of February afforded us the opportunity to put together a small private outdoor fundraising event to raise money to expand the wildlife corridor in Wilderness Heights. Twenty four teams entered into our You & Your Plus 1 Doubles Challenge which comprised of six different events: volleyball, badminton, darts, bat & ball, table tennis and a swimming medley.
Putting on a fundraising event with a little bit of a competitive edge between the teams was rewarding to watch. As was observing the fun being had by all those who entered into the Challenge and by the supporters cheering them on from the sidelines. “What Fun!” was the general take home phrase of the day.
A big thank you to the participants, the sponsors and the supporters who pitched on the day irrespective of the weather warnings of heavy rain on the day! The weather on the day was glorious!
Having fun was one reward but the greatest reward, for PTP of course, is getting to add more indigenous forest trees to the Wilderness Heights Wildlife Corridor.
Sponsors: Blue Olive Restaurant, Wilderness and One Stop Beauty Shop, George
If you would like to support our ongoing efforts of assisted regeneration of our forest biome, click here!
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