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The Tough got Going

Tree-cycling - Tour de Burn Stage 1 Day 1 Precious Tree Project NPO


Day 1: 12th June 2020, 08h45. 7 degrees celcius. Brrrrrrrr.
Tree-cycling team: Jon Morley and Dave Cubbin
Support team: Ez Morley and I

The guys started the cycle on day 1 at the entrance to Simola in Knysna with the most difficult climb of the stage. As the support team, Ez and I, waved them off with backpacks loaded with water, energy bars/drinks/snacks and gave them some space to tackle the Prince Alfred Mountain pass ahead of us. The Prince Alfred mountain pass is a glorious drive and we navigated our way up the mountain slowly (no more than 10 kms per hour) in order to take in and take shots of the breathtaking beauty of the area.

Half way up the mountain pass we thought to notch it up a bit and reduce the distance between us and the boys until we had them in our line of sight. It took way longer to catch up with them than we anticipated that at one point going up the pass, we thought we had missed them somewhere on the road. But of course, we hadn’t!

The boys were simply nimble .. The boys were simply quick! Not just up the mountain, but all the way to the “finish line” in Oudtshoorn, 100kms later.

Lesson to remember for the following 4 days: do not underestimate the power and speed of these two (and we certainly didn’t do that again).

Click here to support Jon and his campaign!

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