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Tree Planting and Environmental Awareness Initiative – Mzoxolo Primary School

Tree Planting and Environmental Awareness Initiative - WMO Mzoxolo Primary School 13 Oct 2022 Precious Tree Project

SITE #1: Mzoxolo Primary School

The Mzoxolo Primary School is situated in Lawaaikamp in George – a low income area where many of the community members live around the breadline and are largely unemployed. The school consists of 1500 learners from Grade 2 to Grade 7 with an average of 40 learners per class. Fundraising for the school from within the community is not a possibility and the school is reliant on external / outside-the-community funding to support the school and its upliftment requirements. To-date, the school relies on the limited funding provided by the Department of Education.

There is a small existing vegetable garden that feeds a small soup kitchen (linked to the Dpt. of Health’s introduction of a nutrition program for learners in 2021) that is in need of fruit trees and vegetable seedlings.

The staff and learners of Mzoxolo Primary School & The Precious Tree Project Team Say THANK YOU WMO!

Check out the Youtube video below!

If you would like to sponsor an indigenous tree click here OR visit