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Tree Planting and Environmental Awareness Initiative – Parkdene Primary School

Tree Planting and Environmental Awareness Initiative Parkdene Primary School Precious Tree Project

SITE #6: Parkdene Primary School

The school is located in a low socio-economic area called Parkdene in Thembalethu, George. The school has approx. 1400 learners (Grade 1 to Grade 7). The school is a Section 21 primary school and is allocated some level of funding by the Department of Education. The school itself is  responsible for ordering stationery, textbooks, paying utilities (water and lights accounts) and undertaking their own maintenance. It is a no fee institution and the school is reliant on outside funding to cover its running costs.

There is an existing well-run food kitchen that feeds a certain percentage of the learners two meals per day. There is no vegetable garden to support the kitchen yet but this is on the school’s wish list as increasing numbers of the learners attending the school are not bringing pre-packed lunches and do not come to school having eaten breakfast.

The staff and learners of Parkdene Primary School & The Precious Tree Project Team say THANK YOU WMO!

Check out the Youtube video below!

If you would like to Gift an indigenous tree click here OR visit

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