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The Bigger Business of Assisted Reforestation

The Bigger Business of Assisted Reforestation -Libertas Frm 27 February 2021 - Precious Tree Project

Assisted reforestation is more than just planting out indigenous trees in bio-mimicked forest patches, creating much needed jobs, restoring biodiversity, filtering the air, water and soils etc. Ultimately, in the bigger picture, it is about assisting the natural balancing of our ecosystems and restoring the health and well-being of our natural environment upon which our own the health our own health and well-being depends. It may well take a decade or two, but we are investing in the future in terms of what we are leaving behind for the generations (of both human and animal) to come.

So of course, we love it when the bigger businesses get this Big Picture and get involved. Kevin Coyne and Coyne Healthcare SA have been contributing to PTP’s vision of expanding the indigenous forests in the Garden Route with their ongoing sponsorship and we have been directing these funds towards the rehabilitation of one of the wildlife corridors running through the farmlands in Hoekwil.

Our happy group of VIP’s got their hands dirty yet again in a volunteer planting session to put more these precious trees in the ground.  We’ll keep you posted on the growth and expansion of this corridor.

Thank you Kevin Coyne, Coyne Healthcare SA and our very important planters who have made this expansion possible!

If you would like to support our ongoing efforts of assisted regeneration of our forest biome, click here!

#endemictrees #bio-mimickedforests #precioustreeproject #naturalhealth #gardenroutereforestation #treeplanting #indigenoustrees #ringbarking #clearinginvasivetrees #wildlifecorridor #coynehealthcare #libertasguestfarm

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