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Arbor Day – Arbor Week – Arbor Month – Arbor Lifetime

The celebration of Arbor Day is an important one in light of the rate of deforestation around the world. Protecting our trees and regenerating our natural forest areas is a significant practice and should not be restricted to a specific month or a single day.  This said, we honoured this month of tree-planting by giving 50 of our precious trees a new home at Heartland Organic farm… a simple celebration of the inherent value that our precious trees have for this beautiful planet of ours. 

Arbor Day 2018 – Volunteer Tree Planting: The Board Members of Precious Tree Project sponsored 50 trees to be planted out in the Garden Route for Arbor Day this year. We spent the day with our VIPs digging new homes for them in the Heartland Forest. And since we are on a mission to plant millions of precious trees in the GRD, it’s Arbor LifeTime for us! Thank you Mother Earth for your Gift of Trees.

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