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What we do Matters

What we do Matters - Precious Tree Project

“Before the emergence of this pandemic, I started plans to raise awareness of our natural biome, by using my passion for cycling to raise money for an amazing local Non-Profit-Organisation in Wilderness whose intention is to assist the natural restoration of indigenous forests in the Garden Route, Precious Tree Project.

Since the current pandemic, we have seen how communities less fortunate than us, are being starved of essentials: basic food and health supplies.  This highlights the importance of becoming sustainable: by growing our own foods, planting trees that clean the air and recycle water around us. Nature heals and gives us medicines through its offerings of medicinal herbs, plants and trees.

My mission, together with Precious Tree Project, is extended to not only plant indigenous forest trees, but to share, teach, develop and actively regrow what we have unconsciously pushed back for so many years and create sustainable livelihoods.

I commit to making my passion for cycling, a (sustainable) vehicle to maintain ongoing awareness.

What we do matters. I invite you to join me. 

With gratitude”

Dr Jon Morley (11 April, 2020).

A big thanks to each and every volunteer for your support on the day and making this possible! A special thanks to Coyne Healthcare who have fully supported Doctor Jon’s tree-cycling fundraising efforts for us over the past year, which has afforded us the opportunity to improve the daily school – going lives of the young children at Bergplaas Community Creche in a number of ways!

coynehealthcare #coynecommunity #vitalihealthcentre #communityupliftment #indigenousforestpatch

Tour de Burn – a tree cycling project

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Planting for Health

Planting for Health - Tour de Burn - Precious Tree Project

While much has halted or slowed down in our world since lockdown, raising funds to assist the regenerative growth of our natural endemic forests continues and it’s importance to do so is more apparent in light of the health challenges facing the national and global community.

Dr Jon Morley’s vision to plant out 5000 indigenous trees: Instead of kickstarting the cycle event with a 500 km cycle to Afrika Burn this month, he will be hosting a cycling event every 2 months and close off his fundraiser with a cycle to the new Afrika Burn venue in May 2021.

Watch this space for details on Dr Jon’s cycling antics, and if you would like to sponsor his initiative click on this link or you can support his Backabuddy crowdfunding platform at