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Tree Medicines of the Garden Route: Broom Cluster Fig

Scientific name: Ficus sur.
Family: Moraceae.
Common names: Broom cluster fig (Eng.); Besem-trosvy (Afr.); Mogo-tshetlo (North Sotho); Umkhiwane (Xhosa); Umkhiwane (Zulu).

This species is widely distributed through Western Cape into Africa and are usually found on riverbanks and in riverine forest areas, but can also be found in drier woodlands. Their habitat is restricted to frost-free areas with moderate rainfall. All South African figs are edible, although they are not all palatable and are often infested with insects and larvae. Characteristic of all figs is the copious white latex, which is secreted from any damaged part of the plant.


a. When harvesting any indigenous tree, do so sustainably. Different trees and different parts of a tree have their own harvesting methods and periods throughout the year. The South African National Biodiversity Institute has informative harvesting tips on their website (SANBI link below).

b. As with any medication, when using plants for their medicinal values it is recommended that you seek professional guidance from a natural health practitioner and undertake appropriate research before use.

For additional information on germination, propagation, ecology, maintenance, etc. of indigenous SA trees, go to:

Click here if you would like to sponsor a Broom Cluster Fig and help grow a mini forest!

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