SITE #17: Nature’s Valley
We have been donating a few indigenous trees to this small informal community in Nature’s Valley over the past year. The community comprises 223 members of which 133 are adults (22 years plus) and 90 (below the age of 21). The leadership committee of the community have recently established the Kleinkranz Nature’s Valley Community Forum (NPC) in order to formalise and facilitate funding for projects geared towards the socio-eco-environmental development and upliftment of the community.
A number of projects to uplift the community are on the go, initiated by the Community Leadership. This includes a library, playgrounds, netball field, a sportsfield, and a station for the mobile clinic. A small community food garden was set up 2 years ago by one of the Senior members of the community (Antony), who supervises and runs the garden and apportions the harvest to the families in the community most in need. His intention is to create a station for composting and earthworm farming.The intention is to eventually plant a fruit tree in each household.
Thank you World Memon Organisation for your ongoing support and investment in our youth, and facilitating the awareness on the importance of trees and our natural environment in our own health and well-being!
Click here if you would like to GIFT A TREE OR visit to make a donation or sponsor a tree.