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Celebrating our Tree Man’s 50th Birthday at Shamboh

No better way to celebrate the Tree Man himself than with a Tree Planting Ceremony

Ray turned 50 this month. As part of his celebration weekend in honour of his birthday, we gathered together to plant 100 precious indigenous trees on his small holding in Wilderness Heights. He sponsored 50 of them, honouring each year of his life, and the balance were sponsored as birthday gifts from friends, family and community members. Happy 50th Birthday Ray!

Creation of Mini Bio-Mimicked Forest Patches - Shamboh, Wilderness Heights - Precious Tree ProjectCreation of Mini Bio-Mimicked Forest Patches - Shamboh, Wilderness Heights - Precious Tree ProjectCreation of Mini Bio-Mimicked Forest Patches - Shamboh, Wilderness Heights - Precious Tree ProjectCreation of Mini Bio-Mimicked Forest Patches - Shamboh, Wilderness Heights - Precious Tree ProjectCreation of Mini Bio-Mimicked Forest Patches - Shamboh, Wilderness Heights - Precious Tree Project
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