Forest Elder


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Forest Elder

Nuxia floribunda Benth

Common names: forest elder; forest nuxia; wild elder (Eng.); bosvlier; vlier (Afr.); umHlambandlazi, iThambo, ingobese, isanywana, umKhobeza (Zulu); iNgqota, isiKhali (Xhosa); motlhabare (Northern Sotho); mula-notshi; mpupumwa (Venda)

Family: Stilbaceae


  • The flowers of the forest elder are seen to be self-pollinated.
  • Bees are attracted to the nectar and pollen.
  • Numerous other insects also effect pollination and their presence in turn attracts many insectivorous birds.
  • Full flowering occurs usually every second year after which very large numbers of fruits develop.
  • The leaves are edible and have been observed to be grazed by both wild game and stock.


  • As a traditional Zulu medicine the bark is used as a strengthening medicine after a kraal (village) member had passed away.
  • In other parts of Africa the leaves are recorded being used to treat coughs, colds, influenza, fevers, indigestion, infantile convulsions.
  • The leaves have also been used in a range of African rituals (Hutchings et al. 1996).
  • The nectar has been used to treat minor burns.

Practical Uses

  • Nectar is produced in abundance thereby attracting an abundance of bees (and honey production)
  • The wood has been used for fencing, general carpentry, furniture, turnery and historically in the construction of wagons.
  • The bark is known to be rich in tannins at 5.71% (Hutchings et al. 1996).


Additional information

About Gifting a Tree

*Note this a virtual product in the store, we won`t be sending you a physical tree.

How it works:
1) Select gift type
2) Complete form with details
3) Select total amount of trees
4) Add to cart

After checkout and payment, you, the Sponsor, will receive confirmation of transaction from Payfast. PTP will email the gift certificate to the selected recipient – which includes GPS coordinates and species type once it has been planted.