Sponsor Trees

Sponsor Trees – Plant precious trees and help people, animals and the planet prosper!

By sponsoring a tree you help grow out a bio-mimicked forest patch! For every tree sponsored, a percentage goes towards expanding the natural forest biome, supporting environmental regenerative development of the region and socio-economic upliftment projects throughout the Garden Route. You are assisting not only the natural reforestation process and all the environmental benefits that it brings, but you are also contributing to our workforce and our mini-satellite nurseries (where all the magic happens before we plant out the trees).
Here`s how you can sponsor trees:

Recurring Donation

To make a monthly donation to PTP simply click here to set up the details. Any and all contributions are welcome!

Once-off Donation

The donate button below makes it possible for you to make a once-off donation to PTP. We have set the minimum amount to R225 to start with.

* Price

Transaction Payment Gateway: We currently use Payfast for online donations and transactions. Payfast is committed to keeping all sensitive information secure with a multitude of automated and manual checks in place to protect both you and us from fraudulent transactions.

Direct Bank Transfer

Should you prefer to make a direct payment into our bank account, please use the following banking details:

Bank: FNB
Account Type: Cheque / Transmission
Branch Code: 250655
Account Number: 62764154648

Benefits of Trees

Planting out indigenous trees in bio-mimicked forest patches has a range of benefits for both the natural environment and all life on the planet!

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