SITE #10: Thembalethu Primary School
The school is located in Thembalethu, in George. The school has 1826 (Grade R to Grade 7) learners. It is a Section 21 school and therefore allocated financial assistance by the department primarily for teachers, assistants and ground staff, but remains responsible for ordering stationery, textbooks, paying water and lights accounts and undertaking their own general maintenance.
There is an existing food kitchen that feeds all the learners daily. The school has recently set up a vegetable garden as part of the Health Departments goals towards increasing nutritional values of food intake for the learners. Many of the learners attending Thembalethu Primary School do not have a pre-packed lunch and the need to feed the children meals at school is on the rise.
The staff and learners of Thembalethu Primary School & The Precious Tree Project Team Say THANK YOU WMO!
Check out the Youtube video below!
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